A special volume of the Proceedings of the 1st Latin American Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring - LATAM-SHM 2023 will be published with all the accepted papers in the form of open access license under the Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License (CC BY-SA 4.0). The volume will be indexed in Scopus and Web of Science.
Abstract Submission
Submissions of abstracts have to be performed electronically before July 15th, 2023, via the workshop website. Please follow these guidelines and procedure:
- The Abstract is submitted to the General Sessions of the Conference.
- The Abstract should be between 200-350 words, written in English.
- The Abstract should include all authors and their emails.
- The Abstract should include the purpose of the study, the applied methodology, a summary of findings, and a conclusion highlighting the contributions of the study.
- A list of 5-8 keywords should be provided.
- The Abstract can be submitted in plain text; no need to spend any time on formatting at this time.
- The file must be sent in .pdf format. The system does not accept other types of files.
- An example of template can be downloaded from here.
Paper Submission
Submissions of paper have to be performed electronically before October 31th, 2023, via the workshop website.
- The Paper is submitted to the General Sessions of the Conference.
- The Paper should include all authors and their emails.
- The Paper should include the purpose of the study, the applied methodology, a summary of findings, and a conclusion highlighting the contributions of the study.
- A list of 5-8 keywords should be provided.
- The file must be sent in .pdf format. The system does not accept other types of files.
- An example of template can be downloaded from here.
- Register to the workshop here (Login/Register Button) with your email address. Introduce the Pin Code you will receive as well as the password you want to use.
- Login to your account here.
- Complete the information in your profile.
- Go to "My congress" and, then, "My contributions" on the menu you will find on the right hand side of the page. Click on "Submit a contribution" and you are ready to go!
If for any reason you need to modify your submitted abstract, the deadline for submission of the final version is July 15th, 2023. After this date, only the files already received will be processed.
Please note that final acceptance is contingent upon payment of the registration fee by the presenting author during the full paper submission period (before October 31th, 2023).
Feel free to contact the Congress Secretariat for any question secretaria@cimne.upc.edu