About LATAM-SHM 2023
In response to the growing advances of the Central and South American scientific community in the field of structural health monitoring (SHM), we are happy to announce the organization of the first Latin American Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (LATAM-SHM2023) that will be held on December 5-7, 2023, in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. This workshop has the scientific support of the scientific committees of the European and International workshops on SHM. One aim for the workshop is to get wide acceptance and recognition so it can be repeated every two years, moving by the different countries of Central and South America, similarly to other existing international Workshops.
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is defined as the process of acquiring and analysing data from on-board sensors to evaluate the health of a structure. It represents a transition from programmed to predictive maintenance activities. SHM methodologies, as opposite to traditional NDI techniques, are based on a sensor network integrated/permanently bonded to the structure where the inspection process can be automated, without disassembly, thus providing large savings in expected maintenance costs. This key aspect requires improvements in different disciplines such sensing systems, structural dynamics, damage knowledge, monitoring strategies design, signal processing, feature extraction, pattern recognition, intelligent data collection, data analysis, structural design and certification and scale experiments development, among others.
If your academic or professional activity is related to this fast-growing technical field, you are invited to participate, either at the conference sessions or at the technical exhibition. We promise it will give you great opportunities to make your research known worldwide and establish a closer link with the scientific and industrial community, not only in Latin America but also internationally.
All the accepted manuscripts will be published in Proceedings indexed on Scopus and Web of science.
For futher information, please contact us: latam-shm2023@event.upc.edu